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Writer's pictureJake Wernette

The Fall of the Olympics

The French have had a lasting legacy of being a nation of revolutionary ideas, cultural movements, and being one of the greatest allies in Europe. France’s history has included the beheadings of monarchs like Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette, and recently has beheaded the religion of another, Christianity. This week’s Olympic debacle and heinous spectacle will be one that leaves a lasting smear on the name of the Olympic games, one that took place over the men and women who trained their lives to become good athletes, and one that will pose the lowest ratings of any Olympic games airing to date, thus marking the death of another western cultural piece.

Olympic Rings

The Olympics - What They Mean and What They Used to Be

The Olympic Games have been held every fourth summer and winter since the days of ancient Greece. Olympians were men who had been seen as perfect physic and outstanding courage in the Grecian empire. Men had trained their lives to become soldiers for the military, and the Olympics had evolved as a means to; first, exhibit the best warriors of the Grecian military, and secondly, to please the Greek gods with competition and spectacle. Professor Paul Christesen of Dartmouth College writes, “All free Greek males were allowed to take part, from farmhands to royal heirs, although the majority of Olympians were soldiers”. The Grecians had an important reason for hosting these games every four years aside from the military fitness of the empire’s young men, the spectacles also celebrated the gods of the Grecians. The Olympics article mentions that at their heart, the Games were a religious festival.

Olympians celebrated their religion and their military achievements at these events, foreign dignitaries from other empires and polities had also been known to attend events and treaties, alliances, and commerce had been waged all while enjoying the games. For thousands of years, the Grecian games had stood as more than just a tradition wrought by deities and war, it stood for new found friendships among European and world allies, the accomplishments of men and women who took pride in their shape and humbleness in their defeat, the games stood as the premier testament to nations who stood for bettering their athletes and citizens alike.

The Games Today - What Does It Mean to Compete?

Today, the Olympics are as mentioned a testament to western cooperation, something that draws the hemispheres together, and indeed all of man. I recall myself watching the Sochi Winter Olympics years ago as a kid with my mom on the living room sofa. Seeing my nation compete brought pride to me, not knowing much of history at that time, it still created a unified sense of being an American meant showing the world our timeless values. Those innate senses of culture that created our people themselves: hard work, tradition, courage, strength, initiative, and dignity. No nation could ever last if her people had lost the dignity to carry on their values and love their nation. Today, the games have become a symbol of athletes coming together irrespective of political fads and division to see their cultures on display. The Russians, as in Sochi, brought patriotism amidst a growing controversial time in Russia’s modernism. The Guardian in 2014 mentions, “as the opening ceremony started, locals crushed into a series of venues to watch it on big screens, and there was a sense of genuine excitement and a desire to leave the recriminations until later and enjoy the sport”.

It is no joke to say how much economic scales are considered before nations commit to the challenge of hosting the events. Russia alone, according to an Associated Press article, spent $55 billion USD to host the Sochi Olympics. Today that equates to an inflated $73 billion USD. Russia’s hosting of the games amidst the 2014 Crimean Crisis had reinforced the nonpartisan nature in prioritizing the fair and honest competition of athletes instead of the shame of corrupt governments.

The Show of Stupidity - Replacing the Athletes with Political Fads

Nobody has to read this article and pretend they either saw and didn’t care, or didn’t see the opening ceremony to the 2024 Olympics. The new postmodern trend in the twenty-first century seems to prove two things: first, the political elites are obsessed with degeneracy, and secondly, these elites also have no problems killing the traditional culture that modern events embody. The shame that comes with saying “Merry Christmas” to modern “cultural liberators” is now equal to the Olympics. It is a shame that postmodernists celebrate political fads like gender identity over a physical specter that has lasted a millennium. The truth is regardless of what side you reside on, the middle 68% of a bell-curve always admits more in common than the extremes like to say. And those middle grounders have all had it “up to here” with the nonsense of showing pornography and mocking religion.

There is no greater proof in the pudding than to see television ratings. Nielson has been a home name for decades, their ratings software helps generate millions of viewers’ habits into a concise report on what people enjoy watching and most production studios use Nielson ratings to better current shows or create new money-makers that everyone wants to see. Why do I mention this? It proves the importance of viewers and ratings as a legitimate equivalent to public approval. The lower the ratings, the less people enjoy the show. Much like politics and public approval. The 2014 Sochi Olympics had gauged the interest of 21.4 million viewers on CBS alone. A Gallup poll mentions that in 2014, nearly 55% of Americans surveyed said they planned on watching a great deal of the games. By 2024, however, only 35% said the same. What is more is that the number of Americans who said they would watch none of them was up from nearly 15% in 2014 to 30% in 2024. The cultural watchdogs who proclaim free sex and sodomizing young children on television have gotten their wish, the death of another great tradition, in replacing it with men who are insecure.

Liberals - The New Olympic Viewers

Gallup found some interesting statistics too. The greatest viewers who had said they would watch a great deal were three specific groups: Americans who make six-figures or more (44%), Democrats at 46% (+15 versus Republicans and +15 versus independents), and people 50 and up at 42% (+11 versus those younger than 50). What can this tell us about the approval of the mockery of Christianity and the history of the Olympics? It was primarily approved of by viewers who were predominantly wealthier, Democrat, and older. Before folks start claiming there is no correlation with the older young liberals and the new older ones, those same liberals of that Sexual Revolution in the 1960s, proclaimed free love (actually sex without responsibility), championed the ability to have reproductive health (actually killing a human fetus), and the same one who took a drastic change in attitude from “love is all you need” to “give me that it’s mine” and “I already earned my share, you work three jobs to afford a home”. Those who used to be hippies and fought the establishment and sending their friends off to a useless war, are now the ones who are controlling life for the rest and are quick to start a fight with any new enemy.

The Society Pages states in a 2018 article: the boomers did liberate sex from marriage and made the right to sexual pleasure a human right. Could it be that the direct result of reforming marriage from a religious institution relying on a connection and responsibility to a “right” (sex whenever and wherever without opposition), was the erotic display of men in womanface on television playing out a lusty game of “watch this kids”? The main difference between those youth who fought for the sexual revolutions of the sixties and the youth today are that those in the sixties were young adults, and the youth who live with pornography and smut on television are children. Ponder that for a second.

What Should Be Done?

There are two important points that need to be addressed in our mainstream society. Mind you I have not addressed what was in the Olympic opening ceremony for a reason. That comes in the form of the first point.

  • Do Not Recognize Societal Decay - History shows that societies who recognize and celebrate counterculture are those who die off the fastest. Rome’s embrace of living in the moment brought hyperinflation of the Dinero, the death of the Roman Republic, and led to invasions by migrants and the death of sexual morality. The Weimar Republic allowed for minors to become prostitutes, with more than several thousand being found in Berlin alone. Weimar Germany was the first experiment in gender identity and transsexual experimentation. The United States will go the same way as these old nations if it accepts perversion of its youth, to tyranny of the sexual deviants or rule by an irate opposition to the social decay, much like the despots who threw off Caesar and the fascists in Germany.

  • Second, America Must Celebrate Tradition - America’s viewer habits show us that older liberals strongly viewed the ceremony of sexual deviance, not older conservatives or even moderates, not younger liberals or conservatives. Sexual morality is not an age or a party issue, but what is important is that the last generation who supported the ceremony is the same in positions of authority. The older liberals control the colleges, several places in high federal authority, and they are the same who run most major industries that buy American elections. A recent FIRE article (a group I had helped contribute an article for) mentions:

  • Younger faculty resemble their students in worldview, and are the most supportive of hard authoritarianism within the academy. Over the past two decades, faculty members have increasingly identified as liberal or far left, while those with a college education have become less tolerant of offensive, hateful speech.

Where do younger faculty get those lefty ideas? The same older liberals who paraded a mockery of the Last Supper in front of the Olympics. The FIRE article finds that half of America’s professors lean or are strongly liberal, only 26% are conservative, and a mere 17% are moderate. The problem I want to stress is that it isn’t just about what side of the aisle on falls on, there are plenty of America’s left who oppose gender ideology being pushed onto the youth, but the factory floor in America’s college is a great danger to young men and women who are not taught how to think critically, but what to think. Not how to distinguish opinion and fact, but how to distinguish their friends or their foes. The enemy is not the conservative or the liberal, but those who stand for the smut being shown to our children. The Olympics are a mere symptom of a greater illness, a world with an identity crisis, one that has replaced the greatness and strength of the people with the weakness of skin deep details. Everything the Olympics stood for, the postmodern ideal of sexual deviance stands against.

To change the Olympics, we must first change ourselves and rebirth the ideas of the Grecians. Philosophy, religion, fitness, courage. Let our next Olympics be one where alliances are made, treaties are drawn, and dignitaries stand for new national betterments, not sit and watch them die off.


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