A new Washington Post study has revealed significant variations in average IQ scores across the United States, by publishing the Average IQ in Every State. New Hampshire emerged as the state with the highest average IQ, coming in at 103.2, while New Mexico reported the lowest, with an average score of 95.0. The 8.2-point difference between these two states reflects the broader disparities seen across the country.

The average IQ for the entire U.S. is 98, placing it in the mid-range when compared to global averages. This means that while some states exceed this national benchmark, others fall short, highlighting regional differences in cognitive performance.
Various factors may account for the differences in IQ scores between states. Economic conditions, access to resources, and lifestyle factors may all play a role. In New Hampshire, for example, higher IQ scores could correlate with economic prosperity and lifestyle factors that contribute to cognitive development. On the other hand, New Mexico’s lower scores might be linked to different economic or environmental conditions.
While IQ is influenced by many factors, these scores can offer some insights into broader regional trends. Differences in nutrition, healthcare access, and educational outcomes could all potentially influence cognitive abilities, though the study did not focus on specific causative factors. On the global stage, the U.S. average IQ of 98 is fairly typical among developed nations but still falls behind countries such as Japan and South Korea, where average IQs tend to be higher than those seen in the United States.